27/06/2013 15:58

Kou Tea Review

Kou Tea comprises of green puerh, Wuyi Cliff Oolong, and Steamed Green Sencha. All these ingredients together have been discovered to give excellent health benefits leading to instant weight loss. Kou Tea not only brings you freedom from obesity but also from free radicals as it contains a fairly good amount of antioxidants. Kou Tea if used on regular basis prevents strokes and many other neurodegenerative diseases. It is generally thought that this slimming tea accomplishes this feat by bonding to the cholesterol, enabling the body to evacuate it naturally.

The green puerh present in Kou Tea is according to this blog, actually able to break down your fat, eliminating it from your body even if you eat fat.

How Does It Work?

Kou Tea has been shown to slow down the manufacturing of Insulin after ingesting carbohydrates and sweet foods. A reduction in insulin means a decrease in weight gain as insulin is the hormone accountable for storing your body’s own fat, so by taking Kou Tea fifteen minutes after fatty foods, the chance of weight gain will be greatly reduced.

Kou Tea is great for sustaining a peaceful state of mind and inner calm. In the exclusive Kou Tea mix it consists of the amino acid L-theanine. This helps to balance out the neutron-transmitting chemicals Dopamine and Serotonin which control your mood.

What Can Kou Tea Do For You?

•    Kou Tea helps you lose weight easily
•    Lower your cholesterol
•    Make your skin look better

Kou Tea Side Effects

Before buying any weight loss product it is important to look at the potential side effects it could cause as you can read in this blog post about weight loss teas and how they really work. So, let us discuss the side effects, if any, of taking Kou Tea.

As all the ingredients present in this weight loss formula are organic, there is very little possibility that one would encounter with any major side effects.

There is perhaps only one side effect of Kou Tea, one needs to go to the toilet quite often, but this is in the real sense a discomfort and not a side effect.  Pleasant taste of this weight loss tea encourages all those who are taste conscious to go in for this excellent formula without any hesitation.  It can be said that regular usage Kou Tea with a great fitness regime can make one enjoy some great results.




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